पशुपती आर्यघाटमा जलाउनको लागि दाउराहरु ठिक्क पार्दा पार्दै एकाएक लाश यसरी घिस्रिन थालेपछी मलामीहरुमा भयो भागाभाग मुटु दर्रो बनाएर हेर्नुहोस यो अविश्वसनिय
Health, population and environment are integrated terms. They are interrelated in many respects. Health of an individual is directly associated with the massive environmental degradation. That’s why the ground of all these subjects is common. An attempt to study any of these subjects in isolation is to miss many things and make the study lame. Due to their association with each other, these three subjects should be studied in an integrated manner.
The relation among these subjects in various aspects is described below.
Physical aspect Physical aspect of the environment refers to all non-living things. It includes natural elements like air, water, soil etc. as well as artificial elements like house, house, buildings; roads etc. survival of population is possible only by use of these elements. These physical factors determine the health of an individual. If air is polluted, the air contains harmful gases and health status become poor. In contrary, if environment is clean and fresh, the health will be good. Therefore, health, population and environment education are interrelated in physical aspect. Biological aspect Health, population and environment education are interrelated in biological aspect too. Biological aspect of the environment includes plants, animals and birds. Biological environment provides food,
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